New Rainbow Six Siege leaks have surfaced. The main one is that a new Attrition mode will be coming to the game on July 9th and will be around until July 13th.
Attrition Gamemode Starts : 07-09 Ends : 07-13
The second huge change is that there is a possibility that the hatches will be reinforced by default! (See below).
Hatches changes in Y5S3 or S4
The following leak describes a combination of new scopes that are coming to Siege later in year 5.
S3/S4 new Scopes
And no leak would be complete without any information about Tachanka elite skins.
*New* Tachanka Elite Leak
Finally a collection of new skins!
All new leak skins by me
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What do you guys think about the new default hatch reinforcement idea?
finally some good leaks
finally some good leaks
finally some good leaks
finally some good leaks
lol your comment system glitched
lol your comment system glitched