
The Rainbow is Magic Event HD Wallpapers

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The Rainbow Magic Event main menu and in game high resolution wallpapers! Download them below:

Download Main Menu Wallpaper here

Download the In-Game Wallpaper here

Ubisoft has given Rainbow Six Siege a colourful makeover, transforming the classic Plane map into a Toy Story-style world with neon-bright characters and child-friendly wallpaper.

The Rainbow is Magic mode runs for seven days, and introduces a new version of the Hostage game type with a completely re-skinned Plane map. The toy theme of the map sees everything shrunk down to action figure size, with the airport environment typically surrounding the plane replaced by a child’s bedroom, complete with toy cars.

Inside the plane, walls look closer to Lego blocks than metal bulkheads, and breakable surfaces are adorned with cute wallpaper designs. The hostage is dressed in a teddy bear costume, while the Rainbow operators themselves now look like toy soldiers.

Only a handful of operators have skins for the Rainbow is Magic event, so your selection pool is very limited at the start of each round.

There are challenges to complete as part of the event, which will allow you to unlock new Rainbow Alpha Packs. These contain items from the Magic collection, which are presumably all rather sparkly.

Rainbow is Magic isn’t the only mad limited-time event that Ubisoft has put together on April Fools; For Honor has replaced its enemies with rabbids for the next 24 hours.

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