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10 EASY TIPS on How to Improve at Rainbow Six SieTge

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How to get better at rainbow six siege 10 easy tips. How to get good in siege

Today we will be revealing 10 easy tips on how to improve at Rainbow Six Siege. If you have ever hit plateau and couldn’t get passed it, this article is for you.

Just remember that, at the very basic level, Siege is a tactical shooter that requires you to exercise your ability in being patient and composed at all times. I often see players, myself included, not obeying to simple rules that are proven maximize your chances of success.

How to get easy kills in rainbow six siege and how to improve your aim

In a recent article we have talked about How to get easy kills in the game. I highly recommend you to take a look at that one if you are unsure what to do when you cant seem to improve.

Some of them are so basic, that they don’t require any special skills to have and can be implemented immediately. We will go over basic siege tips. They range from properly utilizing your drones, all the way to what should you not do if you are an anchoring defender. In case if you are still deciding who are the best operators in Rainbow Six Siege, see this article at your earliest convenience.

Let’s get started!

  1. Utilize all of your drones. Having a drone handy and performing a quick sweep of the objective will allow you to get easy kills on an unsuspecting enemy. Thought it is a very fun activity, more often than not, attacker drones get detected and destroyed in the initial preparation phase.

    Please make sure to be sparing and hide your drone in a safe spot so it doesn’t get detected. Say you have spotted the objective and the defenders are on a high alert for drones. It is not necessary to actually come close to the objective to spot it – you could just give your team a quick callout.

  2. Do not all push the objective from the same spot. Though sticking together is a great idea, pushing the objective as an attacker with the entire team could put you at a big disadvantage if a defender is roaming and counters you from the flank. I have encountered situations when a correctly placed C4 wiped out the entire attacking team.

    This is a great example of how you can think of attacking analytically.

  3. Destroyed defender camera is also intel. When an attacker destroys your camera, you normally get an audible cue. If you hear or see something, immediately give your team a callout, as it could reveal attacker’s position.

    Here is a great guide on Valk cameras on the popular Oregon map.

  4. Study recoil patterns. As this player demonstrates in this “Which attachment is the best” video by Varsity gaming, recoil patterns matter and recoil patterns sometimes change, when a new Rainbow Six: Siege seasonal update is introduced.

    Be sure to be on top of these updates! Especially for your mains, as some readjustment might be required of you. This will help you get good at Rainbow Six Siege and stay that way. We’ve already covered how to improve aim in Rainbow Six Siege, in case if you want to read that article.

    One of our great contributors has a great video on recoil control, which you can watch and learn.

  5. Utilize all of your grenades or flash bangs. If you want to get easy kills in Rainbow Six Siege, along with utilizing your drones properly, you must use your flashbangs and grenades. Provided that your operator has any of the above mentioned, be sure to use them all. That can yield easy kills, if used correctly. This could play an important role in your quest of how to improve at Rainbow Six Siege.

    This is a prime example of a 200 IQ grenade use on Chalet to neutralize Mira!

    Rainbow Six Siege enemy scanning on a security camera
  6. Don’t be direct when you spot an enemy. When an enemy is spotted on one of the defending cameras, you shouldn’t take a direct approach to attack the enemy. Utilize your map knowledge to drop down a hatch, go through an open wall or flank, in order to minimize your chances of getting defeated. Especially Valkyrie or Caveira mains can help their team tremendously with this task.

    best coastline glaz spots in rainbow six siege
    Coastline Glaz Spots Source:
  7. Use Glaz to deny objective retakes. When you plant the defuser in the objective, utilize Glaz’s ability to get long-range shots, to deny objective retakes and ultimately a defuser deactivation. As you know, Glaz’s special ability has been updated, and it does not allow you to move around and see with the thermal vision at the same time.

    Your map knowledge is crucial, as it will allow you to chose the best possible vantage point that is safe and doesn’t require you to move around too much, so you can concentrate at the task at hand.

    Rainbow Six Siege Spawn Peeking with Tachanka
  8. Avoid spawn peeking, if you are an anchoring operator. Anchoring operators are hugely important, as they can prolong or deny attacks. A properly placed and equipped Smoke, Mira or a Doc become more and more valuable to their team as the round come closer to its end. If you are an anchor and your spawn peek goes wrong, you deprive your team that defensive power.

    You are far too valuable to the team than, for example a Valkyrie, who has already placed her primary gadgets at the beginning of the round. Here is a discussion on the best anchoring defenders in Siege.

    And if you feel like you have run out of spawn peek ideas, check out this page with A LOT of spawn peek spots. The more you practice this – the more you will improve at Rainbow Six SIege.

  9. Do not scan defenders/attackers unless you are going for an immediate kill or a wallbang. This will result in a destruction of your camera and it will put the opponent at high alert. Especially valuable are Valkyrie cameras, which could be placed at a well-hidden spot. Use good old callouts at all times.

    Griefdrums has a great callout video you can watch and learn from.

    Rainbow Six Siege KD ratio
  10. Your K/D is not reflected in your rank in casual or ranked. Be more of a team player, rather then a solo hero. You win games as a team and you lose games as a team. When you die, don’t get stuck up on why are you so bad, but communicate the last position of the enemy to your team immediately.

    It is crucial to always stay connected to your teammates, as your kill cam could provide you with valuable information about the position of the opposing team. And this also could be a one of the fastest way you could improve at Rainbow Six Siege.

    If you are curious to find out what is a good K/D ratio, join or read this Reddit discussion!

These are by no means advanced Rainbow Six Siege tips. As you see there are very intricate details to the game and countless ways to go about attacking or defending your objective.

If you religiously follow these strats, I am very happy for you. If you find yourself forgetting some of them, use this as a gentle reminder to ensure that these basics are covered. We provide our readers with Rainbow Six Siege tips for beginner and for advanced players.

If you have any tips or suggestions of your own, please feel free to leave a comment. We love your suggestions on how to improve at Rainbow Six Siege.

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