Guides (Maps)

Consulate – Siege Map Education

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Siege Map Education – Consulate

Getting map knowledge and learning Siege maps is one of the most important things if you want to get better in Rainbow Six Siege. For this need I have created Siege Map Education -series. These vids are quite long because learning new things take time and needs repetition. If you stick to it, I’ll guarantee that after this video you will have super strong map knowledge of Consulate. So pick a background music of your liking and happy learning!

With this series you’ll get to learn the whole map inside & out. More importantly, learn to make proper callouts by memorizing room/area names. Drone holes are not covered. Please notify me if you spot any errors/mistakes I’ve made throughout the video. Hope you learned something by watching this. Leave a like if you did. And please share to anyone who is struggling to learn this map 🙂

Pro tip: If you are already quite familiar with the map, you could just take the callout tests from the corresponding timestamps below. Or if you want to learn just one section at a time, that is also possible via the YouTube description timestamps. 

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